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- Ewan, Elizabeth, Townlife in Foureenth Century Scotland. (Edinburgh UP), 1990. [201 blz.] ["Using archeological and documentary evidence, Ewan examines the conditions of life, government, property-holding, trade and industry, the sense of community and the place of the burgh within the wider realm of 14th-century Scotland"]. [Lit.verm.: Oxbow Books, Oxford: Catalogus 'Medieval World' 2000-2001, bijlage 'Medieval Bargains 2001')

- Bogaers, Llewellyn, Aards, betrokken en zelfbewust. De verwevenheid van cultuur en religie in katholiek Utrecht, 1300-1600, proefschrift, vrije universiteit amsterdam. Utrecht (Levend Verleden), 2008cop. [1110 blz. (in 2 delen). ISBN 978.90.902269.1.0].